PAR WARS: THE FINAL ROUND The Sub Par Golfer’s Account ROUND NINE – KA’ANAPALI This was make or break time. The last round at a difficult course, a round that could spell the end of Par Wars 2016. I’d already had a massive argument with my family that morning about Trump, so I wasn’t off to a […]
golf on Maui

PAR WARS: ROUND 8 The Sub Par Golfer’s Account After working all morning, we were at ends for something to do on this uneventful Maui day, so Phil suggested we go golfing. I’m normally ok with an impromptu round, but when it “counts” I like to have some warning because when it’s a grab-n-go match I […]

PAR WARS: ROUND 6 ROUND SIX The Sub Par Golfer’s Account Today we were back at Maui Nui playing with our buddy Bud, the amazing 82-year old man who for at least 15 years has shot his own age, which when you start to think about it is an amazing feat and the first person I’d met who had […]

First of all, apologies for the long break between posts! Holidays, travel and jet-lag got the better of me, but now I’m back. PAR WARS: ROUND 5 ROUND FIVE The Sub Par Golfer’s Account After my psychogolfic breakdown in the last round, I was very tentative about round five. I was going in one-down, Phil was playing outstandingly, […]

PAR WARS: ROUND 4 THE COMPETITION The rules of PAR WARS are simple. We play matchplay with handicaps (Phil is giving me two strokes this trip). Whoever wins the most rounds in a holiday is the winner, and she or he gets to feel smug in victory until the next vacation. ROUND FOUR The Sub Par Golfer’s […]
Dr. Dave and His Ground-Down Flat-Face Danger-Drivers

I had what I thought was the laugh of my life when my dad called me a few months ago saying he’d “reinvented the driver” – by grinding its face off. My dad has literally just taken up golf. Actually he’s just taken up hitting golf balls. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a genius when it comes […]
PAR WARS: The Ultimate Golf Showdown?

PAR WARS SCROLL DOWN TO READ PHIL’S (ALBEIT BIASED) ACCOUNT OF ROUND ONE Every vacation that involves a few rounds of golf ultimately sparks a competition between my parter Phil and myself. Are we competitive? Yes. Have I won every PAR WARS golf cup to date? Yes. Does mentioning that fact make me an ass? […]
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Au Revoir, Adios, Aloha

The snow has just arrived in Chamonix, and while there are probably more days of sunshine to come before full-blown winter, we can’t wait that long. So we’re packing our junk and heading for the heat. MAUI, HERE WE COME. Because we’re dirtbag golfers, we’ve decided to opt out of an extra baggage charge and simply […]