Please comment on who won. We definitely can’t decide ourselves, as we have to live together for the next month. Catch up on the dysfunction here: THE PAR WARS SAGA
golf travel
Gorgeous Garlenda Golf

We’d played Garlenda once before on our last trip to Finale about two years ago. We had always thought the one thing missing from Finale was a golf course. As it turns out there is one half an hour away, and a stunning one at that. Even better, they allow dogs on the course (“as long […]
Frost to Farinata

The day we left Chamonix was cold. We’d spent the night in the camper van as our chalet was so clean we felt it would be a shame to sleep in it. We’re renting it out to a local company for the season and it was in tip top shape, cleanest I’ve ever seen it […]
Down Down and Away

This winter, Phil and I are escaping the icy grip of winter and heading south for a change. For five months. We’ve got our camper van, our clubs and our dog Pepper and we’re excited to finally get to golf throughout the entire winter. Maybe in 2019, with constant play throughout the year, I’ll finally […]
Finding Women’s Golf Clothes That Don’t Suck

As a lady golfer, I spend a lot of time on the golf course and much of that time, not naked. So whenever I’m window-shopping for clothes, I’m always thinking, “Can I wear this on the golf course?” because that’s where I spend most of my time out of the house, not naked. I always […]
Golf in the Algarve

We’d heard so much about golf in Portugal. So did it live up to the hype? We left Chamonix at an unholy 3am on Dec 5th. It was -9°C (15°F) and the idea that we would soon be outside in a t-shirt seemed too good to be true. We touched down, got our car and […]
PAR WARS: The Final Round

PAR WARS: THE FINAL ROUND The Sub Par Golfer’s Account ROUND NINE – KA’ANAPALI This was make or break time. The last round at a difficult course, a round that could spell the end of Par Wars 2016. I’d already had a massive argument with my family that morning about Trump, so I wasn’t off to a […]

PAR WARS: ROUND 8 The Sub Par Golfer’s Account After working all morning, we were at ends for something to do on this uneventful Maui day, so Phil suggested we go golfing. I’m normally ok with an impromptu round, but when it “counts” I like to have some warning because when it’s a grab-n-go match I […]

PAR WARS: ROUND 6 ROUND SIX The Sub Par Golfer’s Account Today we were back at Maui Nui playing with our buddy Bud, the amazing 82-year old man who for at least 15 years has shot his own age, which when you start to think about it is an amazing feat and the first person I’d met who had […]
Compétition de Noël

It’s not often you get the chance to play golf in Chamonix around Christmas. Normally the course is already under a few feet of snow and sprinkled with its first layer of ‘dog business.’ This season, however, it’s prime golf time. The course had shut in early November after a super-dump of snow but since there had been […]