PAR WARS: ROUND 8 The Sub Par Golfer’s Account After working all morning, we were at ends for something to do on this uneventful Maui day, so Phil suggested we go golfing. I’m normally ok with an impromptu round, but when it “counts” I like to have some warning because when it’s a grab-n-go match I […]
Compétition de Noël

It’s not often you get the chance to play golf in Chamonix around Christmas. Normally the course is already under a few feet of snow and sprinkled with its first layer of ‘dog business.’ This season, however, it’s prime golf time. The course had shut in early November after a super-dump of snow but since there had been […]
Going Out With a Bang

It was the last golf competition of the season and I wanted to finish the year like I started. Kicking ass (sort of) and taking names (politely). I had started the year with a solid win in the 1st annual Porsche Trophy, and I (stupidly) had high hopes for the rest of the season. But a few […]
The Ultimate Golf Competition?

18 holes, five courses, and a shit-ton of wine. If your club isn’t holding a “Gastronome” competition, it bloody well should be. “Gastronome” literally translated means “gourmet” and there is no better way to describe this competition, which, even with a 50€ entry fee, fills up within ten minutes of being able to sign up. Basically, every […]
Do We Need to Rewrite the Game of Golf to Keep It Alive?

If you can take your eyes off the fact that it looks as if this man’s glasses are photoshopped on his face long enough to read what he’s saying, you’d see that Keith Pelley believes “golf needs to embrace a younger audience or get left behind.” Now, I tend to agree with this, because every […]